



e-consumers, e-consumer, Polish e-consumer


The article aims to identify critical changes in the profile and behaviour of Polish e-consumer between 2016 and 2021. In terms of profiling, the focus was on gender, age, education, place of residence, and material situation of e-consumers. When analysing e-consumer behaviour, particular attention was paid to online activity, factors motivating online shopping, consumers' opinions on online shopping, and the range of products purchased in e-shops.

E-Commerce in Poland reports, based on representative surveys of online customers, were used for the analysis.

The analysis carried out showed that the profile of the e-consumer has evolved somewhat. When comparing the profile of the 2021 e-consumer with that of 2016, the most noticeable difference is the level of education, wealth, and age. The e-consumer 2016 was more likely to be characterised by a high school education, while in 2021, most respondents had a university degree. The e-consumer in 2021 is no longer a young person, under 34, but over 35 (often over 50). His/her material situation is slightly worse compared to 2016.

The e-consumer is increasingly using the Internet to observe a global social networking platform such as Facebook, pay bills, and compare prices of products available online. The factors motivating e-consumers to shop online are generally known and relatively unchanged. However, there is a dynamic growth of interest in collecting points for frequent e-shopping. Online shopping is becoming safer, easier, and more convenient. The range of products being purchased is also changing. There is an apparent increase in insurance, food, and pharmaceutical products sales.


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