About the Journal
In accordance with the current list of scoring journals published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, an author is awarded 20 points for publication in Zeszyty Naukowe WSES w Ostrołęce. Assigned academic disciplines: economics and finance; management and quality sciences.
The scientific papers of the Higher Economic - Social School in Ostroleka is a free and open-access scientific journal.
The scientific papers of the Higher Economic - Social School in Ostroleka is a journal in which works from the broadly understood economic sciences are published. Management, marketing and contemporary economic problems dominate. Works in WSES Scientific Studies are published in English.
The paper includes scientific materials, including in particular articles presenting from various research perspectives all the problems of management, marketing and economics, research messages, reviews of books (Polish and foreign) and articles published in scientific and industry periodicals.
We are pleased to inform you that our magazine is indexed in databases:
- Index Copernicus Journal Master List ICV 2021: 100.00; ICV 2022: 95.54; ICV 2023 = 100.00
- SJIF Journal Rank SJIF 2020: 5.789, 2021: 6.026, 2022: 6.006, 2023: 5.878, 2024: 7.18
- ResearchBib
- BazHum
- AcademicKeys
- CiteFactor
- Biblioteka Nauki
- Sindex
This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.
- Format: Online
- Journal ISSN: 2391 - 9167
- Publisher: International University of Applied Sciences in Lomza
- Acceptance Rate: 50%
- Frequency: Quarterly
- Type of Journal: Academic / Specialized
- Language: English and Polish
- Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
- Policy: Double Blind Peer Review; two reviewers
- Review Time: two to six months approximately
- Contact E-mail: ireneusz.zuchowski@mans.edu.pl
- Article submission charges: Free
- Article Publishing Charges: Free
- Type of License: CC- BY
- Type of Access: Open Access (OA)